How to get a Web development job in 2021 - Main image


How to get a Web development job in 2021

Do you want a Web development job but don’t know where to start? Read our go to guide and start creating a game plan today!

Žiga Triller - CodeBrainer
Žiga Triller
9 min read

So, you want a Web development job or should I say a career in coding? The good news is that if you’re going to become a developer, you don’t have to go back to university and get a degree in computer science. In the first place, there aren’t enough developers with a degree. Secondly, software development is one of those jobs where a degree has almost zero importance. But that doesn’t mean that you can get a development job by snapping your fingers.

Like with any other skill, the more time and effort you put into it, the better are the rewards. Here we are going to talk about how to land your first real Web development job.

Path to a web development job:

  1. Learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  2. Pro bono and “family” work
  3. Create a portfolio
  4. Freelance work
  5. Internship
  6. Job interviews
  7. Confidence 
  8. New job 

Why become a Web developer

Before we go into it, I have to explain why a web development job is a great opportunity. Overall there are a lot of coding jobs out there. But take a closer look, and you will see that if you are a beginner,  the best place to start is web development. You have to consider that the number of Web development jobs on the job market is larger than any other coding job. 

As a matter of fact, I suggest you take a look at the Stack overflow survey, where we find JavaScript at the top of the list. JavaScript is one of three pillars in web development - the other two being CSS and HTML. 

All things considered, starting out with web development will help you in the long run. This field is a great stepping stone to many other software development topics. Like for example, mobile app development, backend... Also considering the number of people who browse the web with their phone, mobile web development and PWA’s are the future.  

Web development job plan

Creating a plan on landing that first web development job

So, you have taken a couple of courses, and maybe you built a couple of websites. Now you are ready to start your first real web development job. I wish it were that simple. 

No matter the level of knowledge you possess and no matter how much experience you have, create a plan today! In the first place read this article then start a game plan. Your plan should include two key factors; 1. How many job applications will you send in the next week; 2. What will you do if you get rejected? 

You will get rejected, and that is a fact. And the best thing you can do is move on and expand your resume and portfolio.

Moreover, to build up your miles, you should try to land as many as possible freelance jobs. Register to a platform like, or try to find cool pages like create an account and accept anything that resembles a Web development job. 



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Pro Bono work will help you get a Web development job 

And when you do register at the platforms mentioned above, you might have problems getting hired for projects if you haven’t got any old projects to show off. I say this because you have to prepare to accept pro bono projects. But this is not a bad thing. Take advantage of this and choose a great project from which you can learn. Not to mention all pro bono projects will make an excellent addition to your portfolio. Most of all, each pro bono job is a new opportunity to learn. 


Become part of a community

Connect with people who already have Web development jobs. You have to do this online and offline. Find chat rooms, forums and social network groups. Establishing an online presence and connecting with other web professionals will help you during your whole career. By now, you must have figured out that the best way to learn is from other examples from other developers. 

In addition, making connections offline is even more important. Got to sites like or and find out about web development meetups and events. Connect with people at this events. Let them know you are looking for a job. You might even get lucky and run into somebody who will offer you a Web development job on the spot. 

Equally important is to reach out to family and friends, tell them that you are looking for a Web development job. Remember there is always a guy out there who knows a guy that knows a guy who is hiring. And you can be sure that it is a significant advantage if an employer is handed a resume from someone he knows. 

 Web development job community

Internships are great but be careful

Before you get offered a full-time Web development job, you may have to start as an intern or better yet a paid intern. An internship can be an excellent opportunity for you to learn and to show off your skills to a future employer. 

But you have to be careful. Make sure that the internship offers you a chance to learn and improve. Also, be cautious that you don’t get exploited. Too often do I hear stories about great web developers who are still interns. Usually, it is because they haven’t received an offer for a full-time job from their current employer and lack the courage to speak up. In either case, be confident and know why you are there

Create a portfolio to land a Web development job

To get a Web development job or any job, the first thing you need is a resume and the second is a unique cover letter. 

The vital thing to a good resume is clarity. Create a clear resume pointing out only the essential parts. I always suggest using a template like the ones on At this point in your career, it is better if you don’t specialize. Generally speaking, don’t close doors on technologies you can learn quickly. 

Coupled with a unique cover letter, you will have covered the basics. When I say unique, I mean that you should write a personalized cover letter for each job application

And of course, the most crucial part is the portfolio — moreover an online portfolio. If you are looking for a job in web development, then the only acceptable form of a portfolio is an online portfolio in the shape of a web site. After all, why would somebody hire you to develop a web site if you don’t have a web site of your own? 


Adapt your portfolio for each job application

Write about how you helped the client or how the project helped the client - business problem solved. Adapt your portfolio to the client’s profile and needs. What that means is that if the client already has a development team and for example, is looking for a front-end developer to join them, you must outline your expertise in coding and teamwork. (show a project that is maybe not finished but is visionary and modern). In cases like this, it is wise to have a Github account. Moreover, this also tells the employer that you are familiar with the technology that is used by web development teams. 

And on the other hand, if you have a client that is looking for a “one-man-band” outline what I said at the start. How your work helped solve a problem and helped your client earn more money. (for example, outline an excellent e-commerce site)

In summary, your resume, cover letter and portfolio have to be updated frequently and personalized for each Web development job separately. Study the employer find out what he needs.

Confidence is the key to success

You might not feel ready for a web development job just yet. Maybe you think you lack experience. You might even think you will never be ready for a real Web development job. The worst thing is that you might be right. But don’t worry. Just leap in. Remember, even senior developers started out as junior developers. :)

If you take a look at most of the web development job postings on and, you definitely get the feeling that you are not ready for a junior web development job. Most of the job descriptions list skills that are more suitable for a senior full-stack developer. But in the title, they say that they are looking for a junior web developer. :) Don’t worry and most off all don’t freak out.

Web development confidence

Preparing for an interview 

Take a good look at the job description and find out which best matches your web development skills. If you see skills in the job description that you haven’t mastered yet, don’t worry. Just be honest in the cover letter and tell them that you are looking forward to learning new skills.

Somewhere along the way job, interviews are going to start. Trust me when I tell you that you are not going to be successful at the first one or the second one, no one ever is. At interviews, confidence is even more critical. In any event, do not be “cocky”! Be honest and willing to learn new things. Take each failed interview as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. After each interview examen what you could have done better and improve before the next one. 

In the first place, never forget that confidence comes with experience. The more skills you possess and the more projects you do, the more confident you will become. So never give up and never stop learning. 


In conclusion...

All in all, a web development job is a great thing to have but at the beginning of your career there are going to be obstacles. But as with all things in life, we learn along the way. In fact, you might even find something that suits you better. For example, you may find out that the life of a freelancer is something that fits you perfectly. Working at CodeBrainer has shown me that web developers come in all shapes and sizes, but what they all have in common is their thirst for knowledge. People with that kind of appetite will never have problems finding a job.