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Android Development For Beginners vol. 4 (Boxing app)

We will make awesome sport app, which you can use when training any martial art. You will learn how to make custom RecyclerView, countdown timer, play audio files and other cool features. After finishing this app you will be ready to move to the next level. Let us make some cool workouts!

Category: Java/Android

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Android Development For Beginners vol. 4 (Boxing app)

We will make awesome sport app, which you can use when training any martial art. You will learn how to make custom RecyclerView, countdown timer, play audio files and other cool features. After finishing this app you will be ready to move to the next level. Let us make some cool workouts!

Content of this course:

Your first goal is to set a new project. You have to find a way to set images on first screen for different screen density (DPI). I will give you hints how to achieve this. Also, you have to find a way to play random sound in your app and create awesome UI, so that your users will love your app! Have fun learning.
Your second goal is to make a custom RecyclerView. You have to find a way to make custom Adapter class and populate data in some kind of collection to show data on a screen. I will give you hints how to achieve this. Also, you have to put different size images in a way, so that your app will look nice! At the end of this homework, you will know how to make custom RecyclerView so you can later use it in your projects. Have fun coding.
We will make a screen, where user can set custom workout, like workout time, number of rounds and pause time. You have to find a way how to do this and send chosen values to next screen, where user can see countdown timer. I will give you hints how to make cool timer, how to pause it or reset training. Also find a way to make custom circle progress bar. After this homework, you will understand how to use interfaces, constructor and make custom drawable files. Let us write some code!
Ver: V1.3