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Android Development For Beginners vol. 2 (Playing sounds and GridView)

We will show you how to develop it on your own. Learn to use GridView, adapters, images and sounds. You will also learn what activity lifecycles are. Have fun doing it!

Category: Java/Android

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Android Development For Beginners vol. 2 (Playing sounds and GridView)

We will show you how to develop it on your own. Learn to use GridView, adapters, images and sounds. You will also learn what activity lifecycles are. Have fun doing it!

Content of this course:

As you saw before, your first task is to set a new project. For now, I will give you cool hints and links to create your first screen, where you will have backgroundImage and some music . Your mission is to learn, read, learn and type code. Read what your goal is and use hints to get the job done. Enjoy!
Now, that you have set the first screen, learned about lifecycles and set music in the background, you will learn how to set a custom GridView. You will set an adapter and connect it with gridView. Let us do it!
You will learn how to pass data between Activities. When a user clicks on a button and goes to another screen, it will pass data and be shown as a text and image.
Ver: V1.3.1