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Absolute Beginner

How to display and store data in Android (Friends, app for storing birthdays)

This is a fun app where you can store birthdays of your friends. You will learn how to make data models for your application, use data Adapters to display data and how to leverage the RecyclerView. Most importantly you will learn how to store data in your app.

Category: Java/Android

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How to display and store data in Android (Friends, app for storing birthdays)

This is a fun app where you can store birthdays of your friends. There is not much applications out there that keep your friends birthdays and show it in a fun way. To make it fun we will add zodiac signs for all your friends. But soon you will build an app of your own.

This is a beginner course, we will explain everything step by step, describe all the steps so that you can build it with ease.

As we build the app you will learn how to make data models for your application. We will add some functions to help you work with your models, so that you will learn why objective programming is so great. We will show how you can use data adapters to displays data, how to manipulate them and implement your own data adapter. We will use the recyclerview to show data and prepare styling for our app. We will add edit form to change the data for birthdays and enable adding of new friends to our list.

Most importantly we will learn how to store data in your app, since we will have a data model we will show you how to use Android’s Room to store data as well. 

In the end we will add a widget to display info on your home screen which will be the icing on the cake.

NOTE: This course is still a work in progress and we will add more content as we go, we will also improve and add more explanations according to your questions. Until the course is fully finished you all get a discount for purchasing it. So the videos will be added, changed, text will be enhanced, so stay with us to learn even more.

You will learn

  • How to make a data model
  • How to display data in a list
  • How to work with dates
  • How to calculate zodiac signs
  • How to use RecyclerView
  • How to send data to activity
  • How to build a data form to edit your data
  • How to display images from the web
  • How to use Android Room Persistence Library
  • How to build a widget

Intro video:


  • English
  • Basic OS
  • Run an app on an Emulator or a Device
  • Installed Android Studio
  • A little knowledge about UI
  • Internet connection

What will I be learning?

Friend, our first data model
We need a data model to work with and we will learn what is an entity, and how to prepare a working data model. You will also learn how to add functions and properties to your model. 

Working with dates and what is a Calendar
With every app you will work with dates and calendars in Android. We can make a fun example for you to learn from.

Displaying data
All apps will display some kind of data, but the user will not know anything about it so we need to learn how to display data and present all the data in a form of nice texts and images in a list, using RecyclerView.

Edit form for a friend
If we want a list of friends we need a way to add new friends to our list and this is where we build an edit form to enter data.

Storing data with Room
What if we close the app, all the data in variables will be lost, that’s why we need to store data in a persistent way in a file on our phone. We will use the Room Persistence Library for that.

Wouldn’t it be nice to get all the birthdays coming up this week on your home screen so that you can get a gift for a friend on time. We will learn how to make a widget that will do just that.

Content of this course:

We need a data model to work with and we will learn what is an entity, and how to prepare a working data model. You will also learn how to add functions and properties to your model.
With every app you will work with dates and calendars in Android. We can make a fun example for you to learn from.
All apps will display some kind of data, but the user will not know anything about it so we need to learn how to display data and present all the data in a form of nice texts and images in a list, using RecyclerView.
If we want a list of friends we need a way to add new friends to our list and this is where we build an edit form to enter data.
What if we close the app, all the data in variables will be lost, that’s why we need to store data in a persistent way in a file on our phone. We will use the Room Persistence Library for that.
Wouldn’t it be nice to get all the birthdays coming up this week on your home screen so that you can get a gift for a friend on time. We will learn how to make a widget that will do just that.
Ver: V1.2